Terms and conditions of use
The site (“Site”) is the exclusive property of Acronos Arredamenti di Laura Turco (Owner) based in Rome.
Access to and navigation on the Site by individual users is free and is subject to acceptance of the terms and conditions of these legal notes.
The user acknowledges and in any case agrees: (i) that the Owner reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of these legal notes at any time by communicating the changes to users via a general notice on the Site or via a link to such notice and (ii) that, from the time of each general notice now mentioned, the legal notes as modified will constitute the new terms and conditions to which access to, and navigation on, the Site will be subject to (these legal notes, as via via modified, below, the “Legal Notes”.)

1.1. The contents of the Site, such as, by way of example and not limited to, works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds, videos, texts and any other material in any format, including, by way of example and but not limited to, menus, web pages, graphics, colors, schemes, tools, fonts, designs, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software (individually and/or collectively “Contents”) and the related distinctive signs and/or logos are the exclusive property of the Owner or in any case in its exclusive availability, and in any case cannot be used in any way and/or form without the prior written consent of the Owner. Unless otherwise expressly indicated on the Site, the Contents can only be viewed and/or listened to in “Streaming” mode. “Streaming” means the method of viewing and/or listening to contents in real time and without the need and/or possibility of reproduction, temporary or permanent, distribution, redistribution, communication to the public or other use, in any other form or manner. from that of “Streaming” defined here.

1.2. In the event that link and embed codes relating to specific contents are provided on the Site, these codes may be used by users only for their own direct, personal and private use and provided that the aforementioned use does not occur for directly or indirectly commercial and/or for profit.

1.3. Any use of the codes and/or Contents in violation of the limits indicated in the Legal Notes, or in any case contrary to the law, is illicit and will therefore be prosecuted by the Owner.
The trademarks and logos, including the domain name, are at the exclusive disposal of the Owner or Group companies. Said trademarks, logos and domains cannot be used in any way without the prior written consent of the Owner

2.1. The Site may contain text links (the “links”) to other websites that have no connection with the Site. The Owner does not control or carry out monitoring operations on these websites, their contents and their rules.

2.2. Any link to other websites must in no way be understood as an activity by the Owner to promote them and/or the contents published on them.

Session “cookies” may be present on the Site (which are not stored permanently on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed) with the aim of allowing users to better use the Site. Users who prefer not to receive cookies can set their browser with the intention of being warned of the presence of cookies and therefore deciding whether to accept them or not. The browser can also be set to automatically refuse all cookies; in this case, however, the user may not be able to access all the services available on the Site.

3.1. The user acknowledges and in any case agrees that their access to and navigation of the Site is entirely at their own risk and under their sole responsibility.

3.2. The user also acknowledges and in any case agrees that the Site is provided “as is” and “as available” and that it may be temporarily inaccessible or otherwise contain defects or present delays.

3.3. The Owner assumes no responsibility for the contents, materials and/or information inserted on the Site by users in the appropriate virtual spaces that Mondo a Colori makes available to users for interaction with the Site (“User Content(s)”).
The Owner will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or in any way connected with the use or operation of the Site, including – without limitation – damages for loss of business, loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information commercial and/or any other type of pecuniary loss, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Owner.

4.1. Users who have identified any User Content that they consider to be illicit, inappropriate, offensive or vulgar are invited to promptly report it to the Owner by completing the abuse reporting form available on the Site, at the bottom of the home page.

4.2. The user is invited to use their reports responsibly. Reports that prove to be unfounded and/or illegitimate will be your responsibility.

The Legal Notes are governed by Italian law.

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